Earning money in Google Pay is now difficult, before that we get scratch card and earn money in every 3 transaction in a week and earn free money from it but nowadays, this become very tough. So, here is good news for all, earn free money online directly in your bank account just by this Google Pay "Indi-home" offer.
What is the offer ?
Google Pay came up with a new exciting offer which will allow you to earn money up to, 51 rupees just by doing nothing. You need just create a link in this offer and share with your friend. If your friend already have Google Pay account this not going to be a problem just because it is not a share and earn offer. Just refer your three friend who already have Google Pay you will receive up to, 51 rupees.
Steps to Loot this offer :
1. open your Google Pay account in your phone and check that your Google Pay is already updated in the latest version, if not go to the play store and update your app to the latest version.
2. after that scroll down, and you will see the promotion section where you will find out the Indi-home section. Click on that.
3. after that, you will be drive in to the front page of this offer where you will see a banner of this offer.
4. now in the top right section you will see three icons.
5. Click the fast one where a banner pop up and saying "Invite 3 friends and earn up to 51 rupees on their first energy collection".
6. In down, you will see Invite your friends button.
7. After click on that a link will generate which you have to send your three friend. After they successful click on your link you will earn up to, 51 rupees in your Google Pay account.
8. If three friends click in your link, you can see their profile photo under this offer section.
9. Now you can claim your reward.
10. You will get a scratch card where you can win up to, 51 rupees.
So that's all for the today's friend follow up my ID for such exciting earn money reward offer, thank you.